- Parking
- Mainstream/Special
- Type of Activity
- Drama or Dance
- Music
Schofield Centre
Greenclose Lane
LE11 5AS
- Age
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- Accessibility
- Changing Places Toilets
- Wheelchair Access
- Disability
- Autism
- Complex Needs
- Down Syndrome
- Hearing Impairments
- Learning Difficulties
- Mobility Impairments
- SPD/dyspraxia
- Visual Impairments
- Free Entry for Carer
- Not Applicable
- Sports
- Dancing/Yoga
This is a place where through age related fun activities children are encouraged to be themselves in a safe and positive environment. Young people are taught positive behaviour management & through creativity and fun, have a better understanding of their own emotions; which leads to better communication and social interactions, and less frustrations. SMART actively help young people with their mental health, and their wellbeing, providing strategies for life.