- Parking
- Mainstream/Special
- Type of Activity
- Playgroup
- Support Group
- Age
- Pre-School
- Accessibility
- Changing Places Toilets
- Hearing Loop
- Wheelchair Access
- Disability
- Autism
- Complex Needs
- Down Syndrome
- Hearing Impairments
- Learning Difficulties
- Mobility Impairments
- SPD/dyspraxia
- Visual Impairments
- Free Entry for Carer
- Yes
Join the Caterpillar Club and meet other parents that have children with complex disabilities while your child can enjoy a wide range of multi-sensory activities and meet other children. Sessions are tailored to those attending and are themed alongside the school’s curriculum; activities include music, art, massage, playing with sensory toys, and stories. Advice and guidance is also provided from specialist staff.
We host three families each week at Caterpillar Club to ensure everyone receives the support they need. Siblings are also welcome to the group.