- Parking
- Mainstream/Special
- Type of Activity
- Drama or Dance
- Sport
- Age
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- 16+
- Accessibility
- Wheelchair Access
- Disability
- Autism
- Complex Needs
- Down Syndrome
- Hearing Impairments
- Learning Difficulties
- Mobility Impairments
- SPD/dyspraxia
- Visual Impairments
- Free Entry for Carer
- Not Applicable
- Sports
- Dancing/Yoga
DanceWest is an award winning charity based in the borough that has pioneered high-quality dance programmes since 2014 offering a creative response to issues including poor health, socio-economic disadvantage and unequal access to physical activity. DanceWest provides free & low cost dance, health and wellbeing activities co-designed with participants and partners. Transforming the health and wellbeing of vulnerable and diverse communities. Our sole aim is to keep our community healthy and happy by participating in dance.
At Lyric Theatre, we offer Move it Mondays:
- Starts Monday 18 September 2023!
- Children 11-24 Disabled & Learning Disabled
- http://www.dancewest.co.uk/move-it-mondays-1
Please take a look at our website for further details on other classes we offer!