- Parking
- Mainstream/Special
- Type of Activity
- Drama or Dance
- Music
- Offers Online Sessions
- Age
- Pre-School
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- 16+
- Accessibility
- Wheelchair Access
- Disability
- Autism
- Complex Needs
- Down Syndrome
- Hearing Impairments
- Learning Difficulties
- Mobility Impairments
- SPD/dyspraxia
- Visual Impairments
- Free Entry for Carer
- Not Applicable
Born2Sing is a fully inclusive performing arts school offering singing, drama and dance classes for 3-17 years old. We provide a space for young people with additional needs to express themselves and find their voice in their own time. Our classes are bespoke and led by staff who have their own children with additional needs or are living with hidden disabilities themselves.
Born2Sing pride themselves in the support we offer to young people and their families with SEN and creating opportunities for them to perform and express their talents. We offer free trials at all of our academy classes. These classes are fully inclusive and we support many young people with ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Anxiety etc in these sessions. We also provide a designated SEN class for young people who may find it difficult to join after school and also find it more challenging to attend a mainstream class. Our classes are child led and our staff are supportive and patient with all of our students to make sure that they have the best experience possible.
We welcome all children to come along and find their voice and express themselves.