- Parking
- Mainstream/Special
- Type of Activity
- Sport
- Age
- Primary School
- Secondary School
- 16+
- Accessibility
- Changing Places Toilets
- Hearing Loop
- Wheelchair Access
- Disability
- Autism
- Complex Needs
- Down Syndrome
- Hearing Impairments
- Learning Difficulties
- Mobility Impairments
- SPD/dyspraxia
- Visual Impairments
- Free Entry for Carer
- Not Applicable
- Sports
- Martial Arts
All our staff and board of directors are disabled, so we understand the barriers to participation and work extensively to remove them.
We also offer opportunities for international travel with free flights, accommodation and food for disabled young people aged 14 to 30 and accompanying support workers.
In addition, we offer Activator, Leader and Coach courses and qualifications on a fully inclusive and accessible web platform with inclusive and accessible pedagogy. Qualifications lead on to Tutor, Assessor and Internal Quality Assurer roles with transferrable skills for employment.